Bob Calver:
Thanks for mentioning Realband specifically.
I've spent most of my time searching tutorials to see how to enter more than just one "instrument" at a time.
And I'm so confused by the various modules in Biab, it's probably wiser now to start over "as if" I were a total newbie. I feel overwhelmed, to be honest.
As to Realband itself, when I read in its blurb about it being part of a "music production powerhouse", I naturally assumed Biab would do what I've described here as being my goal.
I will dig into it after I clear a few of my "basic-newbie" problems.

Glancing again thru the Realband features, I think I see what you mean here. Not completely;-)... but this looks good. Thank you!

Mark Hayes:
Again, my problem with MuseScore may be due to how I need to zoom in so tightly to each measure that I'm working on. Musescore wants to flip you immediately to where it thinks you're next going to enter notes. With the screen homed-in on one measure, that often means the measure disappears before I'm done working in it!
It has positives. It's easy to balance the volumes of each instrument. Easy to change them, rearrange their placements, etc.

Matt Finley:
Wow! I took a quick look at the Notion 6 site. I'm not regretting getting Biab, but that program, on brief look-over, seems to be much more what I was looking for!
The two together? Oh yes!... Am I worthy?

Thank you for this! I don't understand why it didn't come up in my much-Googling.

Thanks again everyone! I didn't expect so many nor such helpful answers, nor so quickly. I look forward to reading these forums often. Lots to learn from you folks!

BTW - I'm "AdimWit" because I grew up with a Dad who was a musical genius concert pianist and French hornist, who played in symphonies and dance bands all his life, and a Mom who was not only an accomplished pianist, but a very respected artist and teacher in watercolors, oils, etc.
I never had the sense to learn anything from them. I couldn't gain interest in piano at age 6, so I quit, and am now trying to learn it on my own at 73, because of course they're gone.
And, I love diminished chords:-)