Hi Scott

Sounds like an interesting job.

How would you characterize salient differences between these Westone monitors versus Etymotics earbuds?

Am not aiming to create controversy with that comparison. But I have some Etymotics ER-4P so it is a point of reference I could understand. Have been pretty happy with the Etymotics ER-4P for certain 'critical listening' tasks, for instance listening for artifacts in DSP algorithms. Always eager to hear about neato gadgets. Are there factors that would make the Westone's better than the Etymotics?


Disclaimer: I work for Westone Laboratories - we make in-ear monitors. I believe they are the finest on the market today. Our distributor in the Netherlands is a company called Variphone. I highly encourage you to see if you can try some locally before you invest in on-the-ear (supraaural) or around-the-ear phones (circumaural).

Reason: You can use these on-stage as in-ear monitors, you can mix with them, and you can also use them as the finest set of iPod headphones you will ever own. You won't be wearing Grados on stage or out on the street.

James Chandler Jr