Hi Andrew, sorry for the late reply. Yes I'm using Windows 10 and Ableton Live 11 Intro with VST3 version of the BIAB plugin.
I found out today that as you say, holding down CTRL while dragging "all" from the plugin works as it should.

I'm having another problem now. I cannot seem to generate a song in BIAB plugin or main program without the 2 bar count in. I've tried unticking it in the plugin settings option but it still gives a 2 bar count in.

I would like to have the tracks play back from bar 1 so that I can drag different versions/styles of the song into Live and have the clips play back correctly. As it is when I change from one clip/track to another track there is a 2 bar count in before it plays.

"When dragging individual tracks, I didn't find it difficult to align them, because the files snap to the grid lines. Perhaps there is a setting I'm not aware of that toggles snapping, not sure."

This is a problem I have, aligning individual tracks but that's an Ableton feature not a BIAB one. Guess I need to learn more about Live to accomplish it.



Last edited by StKeys; 01/20/23 08:49 AM.