Just spent several hours following the install instructions to the letter for both the injector and the two scripts recently posted in this thread. No joy. Much frustration. But alas, it's more complicated than I was hoping for. Having to run AutoKey in "no-UAC" mode is a show stopper for this security conscious musician.

That said, I don't easily give up but I have run out of time and patience in trying to get this to work, let alone have it be something that makes my workstream easier, faster, etcetera. While I can appreciate that dragging and dropping RealTracks from BIAB to Reaper has limitations, I personally don't mind waiting the few seconds it takes to generate a track.

The main issue I had was decimal point tempos, and was hoping the injector could improve upon my process. Specifically: how to get a RealTrack generated at 90bpm in BIAB to play in Reaper at the 90.8 tempo my project is set for? The answer is Real Band. BIAB doesn't allow decimal point tempos, but Real Band does. This means I'm setting up tracks in BIAB, then open the SGU in RealBand, and RealBand will put the 90bpm tracks at 90.8 after which you then drag and drop from Real Band to Reaper. I'm waiting on average 3 or 5 seconds for RealBand to adjust the tracks to the decimal tempos and then I am good to go.

In summary, this injector is a fantastic idea and it would really give us users a great deal of control creatively without having to change the underlying architecture. Autokey, SWS, editing scripts, and compiling executables ain't for the faint of heart or the non-technical musician, at least not this one.

Thanks for letting me share.

Bruce Hook - Soprano, Alto and Tenor Saxes
BIAB 2023 UltraPak | Intel i7 | Mackie ProFX10v3 Audio Interface | 1TB SSD | Reaper DAW
| Akai EWI 5000 | M-Audio Oxygen Pro 49