Originally Posted By: Byron Dickens

OK, since you failed to answer my basic questions I have to conclude
1. You have never worked on the RealPlayer development team or any other software development team
2. You have never written software to process video or audio
3. You are clueless on the inner workings of the RealPlayer program

For someone lacking in such basic qualifications I find it quite odd that you can you tell me that official information from RealNetworks is wrong. What kind of special knowledge does Byron Dickens have that RealNetworks, Wikipedia and a state of the art AI bot doesn’t have??

Once again, you now know what extraordinary claims require.

But here is another opportunity to redeem and establish your credibility.

What language(s) was the RealPlayer program written in back in 1995?
What language(s) was the RealPlayer program written in back in 2015?
What language(s) is the RealPlayer program written in today?
Has AI ever been incorporated into RealPlayer?
Has RealNetworks ever sub-contracted any portion of the code writing to a sub contractor?
How many different methods are there to convert video files to audio files on the Windows platform?
What are the drawbacks of the FFmpeg library? Is this library used in RealPlayer today?
Do you even know what FFmpeg is?
Can you produce a system block diagram describing how RealPlayer operates on video sources?

Byron, I don’t want opinion, hearsay, inuendo, beliefs or other generic day dream mumbo-gumbo to these questions. I want crisp, fact-based, informed, truthful, logical answers based on your experience. My guess is you don’t have any. Guess what? Programmers and marketing people at RealNetworks DO. They can answer these simple questions and those you or I can’t even think of. It’s THEIR product and this is called design authority or project ownership. Based on your answers (or non-answers above) I will judge whether you have design authority here or not.

I'll bet the development team rolled their eyes at such nonsense and resisted.The marketing guys should have known better and very likely did, but felt they had to dumb it down for a scientifically ignorant and only quasi literate public that has little interest in such niceties as using language accurately.
Can you prove that you are not quasi literate by answering the above questions ?

In these fights, the marketing department always wins.
Says who? And based on what? What is your evidence for this claim at RealNetworks or anywhere else?
My experience with marketing professionals coupled with your non-answers to my questions tells me that you could learn much from sitting at the feet of the marketing director at RealNetworks.

Make no mistake, this is not about you two against me.
This is about Byron Dickens and Mike Halloran against generative AI.
This is about Byron Dickens and Mike Halloran against Wikipedia.
And most relevant, this is about Byron Dickens and Mike Halloran against RealNetworks.

If you want to pull the sled with the big dogs, you have to be a big dog. RealNetworks is a big dog, so is Wikipedia and so is today’s generative AI chat bots. Alaskan Malamutes can cut it, Mexican Chihuahuas can’t.

Imagine if I were to pompously and arrogantly claim that material regarding the inner workings of BiaB as described on the PGMusic website is flat wrong . . . I’d be jerk. PGMusic, their employees and associates are the only ones fully qualified to discuss BiaB with any real authority. Everyone else is far less qualified; or maybe even a clown. So too with RealPlayer.

Someone smarter than me once said “If you find yourself in a deep hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.”

PS> I downloaded another video this week and converted it to an MP3 audio file . . . yes, using RealPlayer. And it works like a charm in my DAW . . . woof woof smile

BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.