"..it was covered by the last LNP Federal govt..."

I voted for Hawkie an Rudd, I saw Shorten go grey waiting for so long to get in, I wanted Al Gore to get in, I was happy when Obama got in, but this is all beyond politics what's happening now and goes into spiritual things. Those that are spiritually connected see what the story is. I try hard to lift you out of the physical thing by talking about death and those of us that have tasted it.
If I talk about Biab injector depths and people don't understand, how much more will they not understand if I talk about spiritual things ?
With all 4 of those songs there is a deeper spirit in them that is recognize, it's on another level, not by analyzing with your head but with your soul.
As I said there will be shaking, shock and awe, this is needed for those that haven't waken already. It all depends on our level of sensitivity, I have no problem as my sensitivity level is way up on 100 most others operate on 10 until they go through some trauma and suffering, life support machines or NDE etc...