If you already downloaded The Free Orchestra 2 from ProjectSAM, a Bold Legato Brass update/addition is waiting for you in your Updates page of Native Access. If not:


A new instrument/section is to be added every month.


Speaking of Native Access updates, you may want to check out this thread on VI-Control:

It appears that recent library updates from Native Instruments are making the libraries compatible with NKS2 but incompatible with Kontakt6, even if they previously were. Now it's really necessary to always read the "Changes" tab before you click on "Update".  You can also always make a "K6" copy of your Instruments folder before you update a library.


P.S.: Native Instruments has responded to the concerns of K6 users and is hosting rollback/pre-NKS2-Mk3-K7 versions on their community forum. If your library gives you the "Too Old" message after an update, you will probably find the rollback at:

Last edited by Paj; 09/28/23 06:49 PM.