It's a challenge, but once you get used to the workarounds, it becomes second nature.

I'm not part of the PG Music team, and have no insider information. BiaB started as a DOS5 app, and has been on Windows since Windows 3.1. Back then, memory was extremely limited, and the entire app could fit on a floppy disk. PG Music has always prioritized back-compatibility (bless them for that). Since 4/4, 2/4, and 3/4 were all they could do back in the dark ages of computing, in order to keep the old tunes and styles from becoming obsolete, we are saddled with workarounds to get what we need to do. Like I said, this is a guess, so I may be wrong.

Insights and incites by Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks