Thank you B. D. Thomas, Noel and Guitarhacker for your practical replies, all of which have been helpful and for which I'm very appreciative. It looks like I've got another steep learning curve to climb!

I noticed on another old thread that someone wanted to know if notation could be created from a vocal recording and although there were a lot of replies no-one had a solution, but I also have a vocal track (WAV) I can't use in a recording without the singer's permission and alas she's nowhere online (her husband cancelled the project just as it got going) - she sings the 1st of 2 cycles of verses to a song I wrote this year so I've repeated that 1st set of verses to make up a prototype of the whole song but I now need the notation for Synth V Natalie to sing, though the human vocalist I've no way of contacting is superb and can't be bettered. But I did some research and there are these programs (and others) now available:

Some favourite Waoist Adages:
#1: Play on the Way.
#17: Ask not for whom the flower blooms, it blooms for you.
#69: Bring consciousness to it.
#74: On the road to effortlessness, effort must be made.
#105: Be Love Now, the rest will come on its own.