For me, so far, the three main new features are all great, and you can see them working in their demos:

1) BEST - the tracks view when coupled with multi-riff (F8.) This really speeds up customizing realtracks. You see the WAV files of each track like in a DAW, and can drag/select any section of any track and hit F8 and the multi-riff dialog automatically selects that track and those exact notes, so you can keep trying out variations until you like one. You don't have to worry about typing in the track or the region using numbers. Before it was fine if you wanted to replace whole bars, but if you wanted a very specific section to alter you had to carefully type in the numbers and beats. Now you can surgically select what you want to regenerate instantly (and visually) with no fussing with bar and beat numbers or track selection. It is also good for muting a portion of a track (using F8 and "silence.") You could never before get as precise in selecting what to regenerate or mute as you can visually with the WAV track view. I understand that in the future more functions will be added to this track view, like cut/copy/paste, etc.

2) SECOND BEST - The new Multi-Picker tool, and improved style picker too. The Multi-Picker is all you really need now, because it can remain open and assign any realtrack to any track (including ALL utility tracks) and audition and/or generate. All tracks are absolutely equal now, and you don't have to select the track then hit find real track or sub or whatever - just go to the Multi-Picker and select any track and filter away until you find what you want and you can audition and/or generate very quickly. The old Style-Picker window has also been updated (looks exactly like the Multi-Picker) and have improved functions for auditioning with your chord sheet.

3) THIRD BEST - Floating windows. If you have enough screen real estate, or multiple screens, you can keep windows open all the time while working on others, and they are always available to you when you need them without having to hit any keys or navigate any menus.

I'm sure there are more good things, but these are the first I have tried, and they make workflow and creativity a lot easier and faster for me.

Last edited by ThomasS; 12/07/23 07:06 AM.