Originally Posted by Al-David
HI Fred,

As always, your vocal is awesome! I have a couple with just vocal and acoustic guitar. I'm not sure if I've posted either of them here. I'll have to look back and see.

My father died back in 1968 - he was 67 years old. We weren't close, but I still grieved his death for a long time. Although most of our times were not particularly good, he gave me the two things I love in life more than anything (other than the people in my circle) - baseball and he taught me the first chords on a guitar I ever learned. My guitar playing gave me a comfortable and good life. I wish our other times had been as good.

Wonderful song and presentation.

Merry Christmas

Wow, Alan, I didn't realize my comment about my Dad would generate a number of comments on this post. We all had different things to deal with. My Dad was bemused by me buying a second guitar. He asked, How many guitars can you play at one time.... We never got things straight after that.

Fred Grittner
2020 iMac, Sonoma, Logic Pro