Hi, David.

I was struck by the grammar in this line:

   The deers were scared

So I asked the internet Why isn't the plural of deer deers? and it said:

Originally Posted by "The Internet"
If you look in a dictionary you will see that "deer" comes to us from the German "tier", a beast. German does not form the plural by adding an "s" as English does, so one deer, two deer, etc.

Apparently "Santy Claus" also comes from the German, and not the North Pole, as Coca Cola would have us believe.

(The Internet also says "deers" is grammatically correct, so it must be true!)

Glad Christmas was saved again! Thanks Walmart and Monster Trucks!

And Tater Tots! Or David Snyder? I've spent many a sleepless night wondering. laugh

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?