Originally Posted by Jim Fogle
When 2024 crashes and you get the pop up window that tells you a crash has occurred a crash file is created. I believe the file is stored at C:/bb/Data/Logs. You should be able to identify the crash file by the file time stamp. Send an email to support@pgmusic.com with the file attached. Reference this thread and mention Andrew is involved.

Let me clarify the sequence of events.
As soon as I try to run 2024 - ERROR - Access Violation. The error log in BB\Data gives no more information than what is on the pop-up dialog box when BIAB is started: " Access violation at address 000000000075E7E4 in module 'bbw64.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000629 at: 000000000075E7E4

This error pops-up when I start BIAB. When I click to close that error dialogue box another box pops-up telling me an exception has occurred and I can continue but I should save work and reboot program. It doesn't matter if I reboot because the pop-up comes every time. Then when I close out that pop-up box I can use BIAB - so I guess it is inaccurate to say the program crashes. Next, I load up a song and try to record a MIDI track by playing on the Casio keyboard. That is when the program will stop recording the instant I play the same note rapidly, even just 4 or 5 times in a row. Note: This only happens with the Casio Keyboard. When I switch over to the Roland Keyboard, even though I get the "ACCESS VIOLATION" on start-up of BIAB 2024, I am able to record MIDI without it stopping when I play a few notes rapidly in succession like the Casio does. Therefore, I do not believe the "ACCESS VIOLATION" error is the key to the problem of the program stopping during MIDI recording. It is purely an issue with a MIDI signal being sent by the Casio when notes are played rapidly that tells the recording to STOP. Also, this STOP MIDI message is only "heard" in BIAB 2024, not in the 4 other early versions I have tested using the Casio keyboard.