
I agree, I don't have a lot of experience with RB. What I do have experience with is enough daws to be able to confidently say- RB has a LONG way to go before I can take it seriously. It's not that you can't get great work done. I'm sure your body of work is marvelous. I'm getting some great work done myself with it at the moment. But it's been pulling teeth almost every step of the way. I'm being patient, reading the manual, and forgiving many, many needed things that aren't there yet because I think RB is in it's infancy and will get there over time. So I'm dealing. But quality work can be done, I am seeing. But make no mistake, RB is clunky compared to a mature daw. And it's been glitchy for me. Clunky I can forgive. It may always be clunky. It may never become what other daws are, nor may they want it to. That's fine- you take it or leave it. Glitchy is a different story and just so you know, I don't mean bash RB. ALL software can be glitchy. RB hasn't always performed some operations for me glitch free. If it weren't for some other folks here and me, we may not have gotten 2010.5 build 2 as soon as we did. I'd like to see all software work without a hitch all the time. It's just not reality. But if it been perfect sailing for you, thanks wonderful. Keep on keepin on.

I have a ton of high hopes for RB. PG has Biab nailed down solid as a rock, ime. RB is the perfect mate and if they're really gonna pull in the serious daw mixing crowd, they're gonna have to step up the features in a large way. SO much potential. Here's to hoping.
