I don't collect gear, but I have a problem with old gear that I love. If I'm not using something anymore, and it's not dear to me, I simply give it to a music school. The owners of one that I know will pass it on to students for no charge. Fix them up first if they can.

But, I have two old saxophones and one old guitar that I don't want to part with. I don't play them anymore, but they've been with me for so long, I just like having them. Everything else I have either comes to the gig or is a “the show must go on” type of spare.

But, unlike you, I have a difficult time dealing with my eventual demise. I know I should seek professional help, but it just seems like there are always more 'important' things that need my attention.

My mortgage has been paid off for decades, so that isn't a concern. Mrs. Notes is female and six years younger, so odds are, it'll be her problem. I told her if she is the last one standing, sell the house to pay for her eventual care. We don't have children, so there is no one to fight over what is left.

I commend you for taking care of things before you go, but I hope you don't go anytime soon.

Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks