
Thank you. Although I have been "using" BIAB since 2016, (upgrade in 2016, 2020, and 2024) I have just basically been recording my songs, putting in the meter, a suitable style, and saving them. I tell people that BIAB is a vast program and I know about five grains of sand compared to the beaches at Orange Beach, Alabama (pick your own beach!).

I do not know what the "RTFS button" is. I asked ChatPG. It doesn't know either. You mentioned that you do not see me, "...following protocol which says 'as soon as BIAB is doing something it should not, then hit the RTFS button." This is the first I heard about this protocol and ChatPG seems not t know anything about it either. There is so much about BIAB that I do not know and that is above my ken. But this program CRASHING is seriously threatening what I am trying to do. Namely: record my songs for safe keeping and having the ability to print them when I want. I have no aspirations (or ability) to do the high-level things that so many users seem to be able to do with ease.

If you would care to try and explain what you said, I would appreciate it.


Jerry Krouse