Originally Posted by BabuMusic
You are my hero, Laurent. Cool lyrics tell an interesting story on the wings of a wonderful melody. I've only been to Normandy once and it was way too short. Must be cool calling it home. I've been to Chigago, but never Alabama. Man, this is such a good song, and I really dig the solos. Fine production.

Thank you Marty. I appreciate your comments

Originally Posted by Chris37
Salut Laurent,
Ta chanson est très bien construite et, cerise sur le gâteau, tu maîtrises bien le chant en anglais.
Kudos to you!

Bonjour Christian
Merci pour tes commentaires et tu imagines bien que ce n'est pas moi le chanteur. J'ai utilisé la voix Hayden du synthetizer V.
J'ai essayé de chanter en français mais même avec les corrections :c'est déplorable.
Avec la synthèse c'est juste mais il faut rester dans la bonne tessiture et ce mettre à l'anglais.

Originally Posted by David Snyder
Really nice Laurent!


Is that you singing??? I didn't see vocals credits. May have missed it.

Anyway, that sounds awesome!

Hello David
I deliberately omitted to include the singer because I wanted to see the reviews. In fact it's not me who sings, I used the synthesizer V and Hayden's voice. The results are much better than my voice but there are other constraints.
Thank you for your insightful comments.