Hi Scott, Wao and Brain,

Thanks giving me these compliments in your posts. I enjoyed them
I was hesitant to release it because it has bleak lyrics and no real solution to the problem.
On the other hand, singing together with Anne-Marie was a very nice experience and also brought a good result as you can judge for yourself.

Originally Posted by Ezekiel's Storm
You voices complement each other well. I love Anne-Marie background vocals.
Strong composition. A musical affirmation of self.
I love this line: "Obsolescence is part of life"

Hi Scott, These are really nice words from you. The only thought I had with that line you liked was: what do you like about that. I hate it ;-)

Originally Posted by WaoBand
Great song and mix. My only criticism is that I thought the solo should have peaked and not troughed.

Hi Wao, Thanks for your compliments. I was a little unsure about what you wrote after your compliments.
But first let me say that I think it's good when people give their opinions and don't wrap them up in nice words.
I looked up the word trouge because I don't know it. It meant: a very low point in the performance. In this case from the soloist.

That is a heavy statement. But let me tell you what I wanted to achieve with the solo. The violin had to play a sad solo, with whining notes, as she had done from the beginning of the song.
This is because of the sad subject.
So no roaring solo guitars. The only rock guitar was the one that provided the big accents on certain parts of the song. Those were the intros to another level of the song.

To call this a 'trough' is -for me- a misunderstaning of the song. Maybe if you listen again, especially to the structure of the song, your opinion will change.
But I probably have to accept what you think. I will do that.

Originally Posted by B.D.Thomas
Song makes me feel old shocked
Beautiful song, your voice and Anne-Marie's complement each other very well.
Enjoyed the listen.
A lot!

Hello Brain, At first: we don't want to give you the feeling you are old. The song is about when you are old. And admit it. You're old too...
Anne-Marie and I sang a Dutch song some years ago and that was nice. But singing together in English was something else.
But it turned out very good. And AM did a very good thing with the background vocals. I think it gave a lift to the middle part of the song.
At least, I was very happy with it. And now, you too.

Thanks again and have a nice day,

Hans Berkhout