Originally Posted by Elliott Kayne
WOW That sounded AWESOME !!! The whole production was SPOT ON!!!
1 - How did you get Natalie to sound like a guy? and so Human? Cong? Where did you get that voice? is it English VDB?
2 - Like your lyrics ... excellent
3 - Use of Real Tracks fantastic
4 - Arrangement - Great
Over all !!!!!!
Thank you so much, Elliot, for listening and your kind words.
I'm blushing a little right now... blush

To answer your questions:
  • I actually think Natalie still sounds feminine, but of course her alto voice is low to begin with, and I have her sing in the lowest register where she still sounds good.
  • At least 80% of the humanity of her voice (or, any voice) comes from the carefully chosen prosody, including the breathing, the time it takes to actually breathe, little breaks and delays and stuff like this.
    I learned most of this stuff by just listening to Floyd sing.
    Floyd has AMAZING prosody!
  • May I introduce: Cong Zheng
    She is not a native English singer, but she does her job quite well because she is less intrusive than Solaria or Natalie, both of whom always have to be tamed because they try to claim the vocals for themselves.
    My no. 1 for BG-vox for quite some time now.

Thank's again.
I will frame your reply and put it on my wall smile

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