Thanks for the additional information. I did a search for rdaw1024.dll on google, but this forum thread is the only page that comes up.

It is normal for the Microsoft Sound Mapper to be there. This means that the driver is selected by Windows. Some say it is best to choose your sound card driver specifically (as you have done) instead of the sound mapper.

Try one more quick test: Install RealBand to a new folder, like C:\RealBand_Test. Run the program from this folder and answer no to the ASIO question. See if you have the same problem with this fresh install of the program.

Are you using a laptop? If so, plug it into a wall outlet rather than using battery power, and disable all the "power-saving" features (control panel). Is your sound card plugged into a wall outlet also, or USB powered?

Other than that, not sure what else to suggest. It does seem like a problem with the sound card drivers, but you have already been through the driver uninstall/reinstall several times. Perhaps it is a problem with the sound card hardware itself...

Edit: We posted at the same time. So everything works fine unless you have MIDI In selected? There's weird. Try opening the MIDI Monitor, filtered to MIDI input, and see if anything unusual is happening when you simply play a MIDI file.

Last edited by Andrew - PG Music; 12/21/10 01:19 PM.

PG Music Inc.