Having worked a while with BIAB 2019, a few observations. For one, can we not leave the highlighted marker in place when auditioning styles in Style Picker? For example, if you load a style demo song within Style Picker, then return immediately to SP, the highlighter is back at the top of the list. That’s annoying if you’re auditioning styles that may be near the bottom of a long list of styles. I wish the marker (or whatever its name) would always stay in place from its last use. Secondly, the short cut for opening Style Picker is S, Enter. Why not S, with another key close by, so that this action could be done easily in one motion by one hand? The present short cut is a little distant and awkward, when using a mouse in the right hand. And, the SP button on the chord sheet page requires a second click after the drop-down menu. One click to get directly to the styles would be nice. Thirdly, the color scheme of green against black in the mixer, as well as the “instrument list” (lower left corner of Style Picker) is sometimes hard to read. Just wondering if any other combination of two colors might be clearer, or stand out more prominently? Might there be an option for choice and selection of colors? We have that choice in other areas of BIAB. And, finally, in making changes in mixer settings, how difficult would it be to simply place the cursor where needed and scroll with the roller on the mouse, without having to actually click and drag to the desired value? I can’t seem to click and drag in the small spaces provided as smoothly and efficiently as the roller knob on the mouse might be. Enjoying 2019 very much. A great product, for sure.