As to PG music not responding to emails I doubt on Sunday early in the morning anyone is home.

You don't mention what O/S you are running.

Could be user account problems, do you have Vista maybe?

Error messages are often bogus. Microsoft never really has had that down pat, so you send a command and it tells you some BS about this or that and it's just wrong.

I would have run the old version to see what happened. They can co-exist.

To my mind there is nothing in the new version you cannot run off the external drive, nor is there any reason you cannot run the old version out of the old directory. bbw.exe or oldbbw.exe, any of those should actually run.

There have been so many people on so many systems that there are only 2 logical reasons for this.

1. Something you misinterpreted on installation. OR
2. The hard drive has something wrong with the actual bbw.exe file.

Other considerations.

It's best to shut off stuff like Virus protection programs before installing anything.
If running Vista or Win7 turn off User Account Control.

I would use the search function in the operating system to find all instances of bbw, looking for exe files.

John Conley
Musica est vita