

I'm looking for a set of usb foot pedals that I can substitute for key presses while I play. Any suggestions?

I am actually researching this as well because as I get old and can't remember lyrics, particularly when they are my own tunes and thus I have not been hearing them for 25 years, I need a teleprompter. I have the software but the space bar toggles the scroll/no scroll and the +/- adjusts the speed. Obviously I can't be reaching out to a laptop during a song. My plan is to have a monitor on stage in front of me with some kind of keyboard on the floor, both running to a laptop off stage where my off stage guy can load the right text file in for the upcoming song.

I may TRY to jury rig something where I build a "layer" that fits over a standard keyboard with "plungers" connected to three oversized keys and then to the 3 keys on the keyboard and then run LONG cables to the offstage computer.

We'll see.

One of the BiaB Old-Timers, Luiz Dias from Brasil, did exactly that using a second keyboard. In his case, he used a desktop and simply wired both keyboards in parallel at the standard din keyboard input. He also paralleled pushbutton footswitches to the keys he needed to operate by foot, hiding the second keyboard inside a metal chassis that sat on the floor.

I see no reason why that couldn't be done with a second USB keboard and a laptop, provided that both the USB keyboard AND the laptop keyboard could be made active at the same time.

If yoo do decide to use mechanical "plungers" to the keys, design in some sort of mechanical limit or STOP to them such that the keybed can't be *crushed* by a footstomp that causes overtravel of the plungers. Something like a coilspring at the end of the plunger between plunger and key may do the trick.
