I have no idea how to fix things when they get as bad as Eddie is describing. Schools in my area are not like that.
Michigan has a millage plan. Taxes are based on a 'State Equalized Value' of your home (roughly half the estimated sale price) times a set number from the state. Then each school disctrict or city can vote for additional millage (that's right we vote to raise taxes for local projects and school programs). In the Port Huron and Marysville area it is not uncommon for us to vote to improve the school, build a new school, and yes, even a new sports field. We take the initiative. Port Huron added new auditoriums/theaters to the two high schools within the last few years. Nice ones; 32 channel mixers (with nice full racks) in a sound booth high above and behind the seating, nice speakers (Tannoy) spread around the room, mics built into the (large) stage ..
Marysville students started this last school year in a brand new high school. I haven't seen how nice the auditorium is there yet, but it's brand new.
I know not everywhere is this fortunate.

Maybe every state should work that way so people can have the level of schools for their kids that they want. And not be stuck paying for the poor types of schooling being described by some here.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome