Music...grades 6 to instruments.
Sports...grades 6 go your own skates.
I taught English in a french speaking high school, 1971. I hated it. Quit to work in forestry.

A brother and sister both teach. 85k a year and 3 months off. Nice work if you can stand doing it for 5 hours a day. And all they do is complain. I told my whining brother not to start recently, he needs a real dose of a 12 hour shift outside a sawmill at -45 C or F it's the same that cold, piling railway switch ties which are green, and up to 16 feet long. Alone. Don't drop one. For minimum wage, and a flea infested room and bunkhouse food.

We seem to be living in fear of Monday morning. I'm going to ride out the market I guess. I mean my wife's retirement money, in a fund run by me, is not going to liquidate and go in to gold.

John Conley
Musica est vita