
The reason that I made the original post is because I wanted to outline the full situation as I saw it so that PG Music had those details and were aware how it could potentially affect their users. Maybe they are already aware of these things; maybe not. I have no idea.

As mentioned in an above post, I found the page increase especially curious given that I have this recollection of Peter Gannon saying that he was happy that the forum finished after around 300 posts when this was discussed a few months ago.

a valid point, one completely lost on me since I missed that exchange. I probably shouldn't have butted in.


I guess if Peter has decided to go with the long term display, it's an indication that he's prepared to have posts with redundant links in them so I shouldn't feel that I am "letting the team down" by making my links inactive.

since you have a vested interest in your songs, when you make the link inactive after a reasonable tenure, you COULD redirect it to a page advertising your songs to the music world. Or not. Better when a link leads SOMEWHERE.


P.S. By the way, if your wife and daughter still like Korean dramas, I have just finished watching the historical drama Queen Seondeok. It was excellent and I highly recommend it - lots of action, pathos and philosophy all lumped together. While anachronisms were plentiful, the formula that the Korean producers use to maintain interest is very very effective and even works through subtitles.

yes, we saw that, and I agree it was excellent! If you liked that one, I recommend CHUNO, another historical drama. Lots of interesting sub plots and extremely well developed characters.. (and some good music!)