alberto, a sincere welcome to these forums and to this thread in particular. it's wonderful to examine our english language from a spanish-speaking perspective.i am certain that you find a lot of humo(u)r in our slaughter (murder) of our native tongue as, i am sure, that we see/hear in the spanish language. i have a wonderful nurse's aide, tracy, "from the mexican tribe" (her words) who is trying to teach me mexican spanish. i am a terrible student but we have a lot of fun.

incidentally, the hostess in a mexican restaurant asked if i wanted some "free hollies and nachos" and i said: "si, anything for free!" i ate five "free" servings. those darned mexicans had the audacity to charge me for them!

we offered a 10% senior discount where i worked when a young mexican gentleman came in and demanded his discount by explaining that he was a "senor." he got it!