Thanks for the quick response!

I do have a slot available for a sound card but I'm leary of the electronic noise from the hard drive with an internal card. That's the issue that started my search.

I have never recorded into the PC but have used the Roland unit for recording external voices and instruments. As I said, I've no experience in this area but I like real sliders and knobs. I've had some issues in bringing a instrument for backing in a song up and another down in Real Band with the mouse. Also, I can't pan instruments enough for the separation I like to have in Real Band. I realize that the Roland unit does not help me here as the tracks are already panned and eq'ed when I download the tracks.

You really made a point that interests me in using the interface to record into the PC. I use piano in most of my recordings and I have never been satisfied with the recorded sound into the Roland. Maybe I could get the sound I want recording through the interface. Maybe, during my conversion stage from using my Roland to completely recording through the PC, I could get an interface that I could still transfer tracks to the Roland, and, record the piano through the interface. Would the M-Audio units do this and which specific one would you recommend?

What particular software do you use? Also, how do you handle the slider issue (for me anyway)?

Again, thanks for the quick response and I look forward to utilizing your experience to possibly move me from my beloved Roland, kicking and screaming of course, to a new world for me of recording!