In TimHortonstan, only people can give donations to political parties, corporations are not allowed to donate. Up to $99 bucks, you don't get on the disclosure list. That's per year. You get 2/3's of it back on your tax form. Donate $100, get $66.

We don't have 1/100 of the lobby types. Not our style so much. A bit goes on.

The Federal Parties used to get so much cash allowance per vote they got. That is going away this term, along with the GUN REGISTRY. Good if I would comply. LOL.

IF we could change one thing I'd vote for politicians to have to promise to repeal one law each for every year in office. This nonsense that you get elected to pass some new law like anyone with a cane must have a flashing light near the bottom so a guy named Ray does not trip over it in a dark theatre like happened to his brother who died and we name the law after him. Dick4brains law. Stop, it hurts.

No texting on Android phones while flying blackhawk helicopters, unless it's Easter Monday in the former Ukraine. Ha.

John Conley
Musica est vita