Something like this

But consider what you really NEED, not just want. I constantly mull over really cool items, but what i really need is different. I will never track a full band at a show. I will have a couple friends over to play and lay down a few tracks. So instead of buying a $2,000 mixer rig i got the $99 stupid deal Tascam US 800 and guess what i have 8 ins more than i will need.

One thing i learned about myself, is that i want to keep adding software and gear, while i have not mastered the ones i have yet. I bet you have not reached the apex with RB. There is very little you can't do right there in RB. In the last year i have bought Multitrackstudio 6.41 Reaper 4.1, Sonar X1 essentials, and Melodyne. I did not need all that, as i can do anything i want in RB. Sure RB does not have as good of an automation setup. but my old MTS version 5 did. Anything i wanted that RB lacked was there.

Problem is that neither Sonar, MTS, or Reaper can do what RB does, So it makes more sense to use RB, and really learn all that it can do first.

Just a few of my musing thoughts.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.