A Driver's License is legally a privilege (sp?) and not a right.

There was once a time when in some states, the State Trooper or even a Traffic Cop could confiscate your Driver's License and you would have to appear in a court of law to try to get it back! That was a long, long time ago.

Pennsylvania started the roadblock thing where every car is stopped on the pretense of looking for drunk drivers about 8 or 9 years ago while I still lived up there.

I don't drink, but there's more to it than just the annoyance of waiting in a long line of cars that have been funneled down into a single lane checkpoint where a young cop sticks their face in your window and asks if you've been drinking while sniffing the air.

They also have other cops front and rear validating Inspection Stickers, License Registration stickers, plus a cop with a radio calling in your particulars in a random search for any outstanding warrants or other violations they can apply. Phishing at its finest, a regular fishing expedition.

Then comes the kicker, the ultimate question: "Do you have any drugs, weapons, firearms (and as one cop once asked us, 'nuclear devices') in the vehicle?"

If you say "no" to the above, the next question is the clincher: "Mind if I search?"

Just. Say. Yes.

As in, "Of course I mind if you search."

That little matter of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, dontcha know.

No warrant, no searchee.

I would just hand 'em my Driver's License AND my Concealed Carry Permit all at the same time.

There once was a time when I could badge 'em...

I'm sure John knows what that means.

They usually look at those two pieces of information and hurriedly wave you on by.

Then they're on to the next poor citizen.

"Papers, bitte!"
