

Or as was suggested, you could just play it yourself, which isn't an answer in my book when we are talking about improving an auto accompaniment program.

Good point Alan... there are so many ways to use this software that I forget about the ways I don't use it. All of my suggestions apply to the task of using BIAB to rough out a song that will end up as a recording.

Apologiers if my remarks seem to deny credibility to your request.

Pat, no offence taken to your comments which at least didn't stoop to John's somewhat derisory dismissive approach which I was taking issue with. BIAB doesn't need defending in that way because no one is attacking it. I take Mac's stance on these things; if you can't find anything good to say about a suggestion then don't say anything at all.

I hadn't forgotten about Notes Norton's styles and have every respect for his efforts in this area of Expanded styles. Unfortunately he doesn't cover much Modern Jazz (and none of the Roy Hawkesford Modern Jazz Styles he resells are expanded ones). Otherwise I'd be beating a path to his website right now.

