I am curious Which specific midi implementation would you like to see Mr Norton? More then one driver in/out has been one of mine for a while.

PG & Team have fulfilled one of the best functions in a DAW: Instrument sounds/patches. People save money by not having to buy expensive midi sound modules in order to produce life-like backing tracks with Biab now. I would guess that was the #1 complaint about Biab, for those who thought Biab produced the actual instrument sounds in of itself.

I had to sell my Tyros a few months back. I haven't lost any joy with Biab, due to the advent of the Real Tracks.

I am also a midiot and will purchase another sound source to use with the Biab midi styles, they are too good to ignore. Having the ability now to assign separate VSTi's to any midi track in Biab is like having multiple midi in/out drivers.

It is amazing what the major midi manufacture's are coming up with these days for their sounds/patches. Most have now implemented their patches to sound like real instruments as well. Same with the VST market.
