people sometimes compare RB to other DAW apps as though it is less capable. But in my quest to end up with one music app that I use for everything, RB is increasingly the one that never fails me.

For example, I recently bought BFD ECO based on Filketom's recommendation, and my son's good results with it. When I try to use it in Sonar 6.0, Sonar drops out after just a few notes. Even if I unload all other effects and soft synths, I can't get it to run in Sonar without dropouts.

In contrast, RB lets me use BFD ECO even when I have several other soft synths in use at the same time.

Speaking of which, the new ability to have multiple soft synths is very empowering. The ability to use BFD for drums, Garritan for orchestral instruments, SFZ+ for sound fonts and coyote forte or a hardware synth for the rest is the best of all worlds. No matter what sound I need, now it is possible.

True, Sonar 6 is several years old while RB2012 is PGMusic's latest offering... but to me the question is about what products to keep in the upgrade loop. Especially as I approach retirement ands the accompanying fixed income, that's a practical consideration.

From the standpoint of my own needs, 2012 marks the first year that RB does everything I want to do.