If you are looking to rebuild the Gateway, you MAY need to go to Gateway. I worked in one of the service centers before they closed them and many of their models have quite proprietary hardware. If you are looking to build from scratch, you may want to do some math and add up what you will pay for parts and see if it is worth it. I used to take custom building to levels of absolute snobbery ("I will NEVER buy a computer in a store!") until the prices came down like they have in the last few years. I still have friends who are "building snobs" but they build for gaming and need the latest greatest video card (one bought a video card and sound card that cost more than my last computer) and if you are looking to dedicate one to Real Band you don't need the really high end stuff since most of this runs on USB, and USB by any other name would still look so rectangular...(apologies to The Bard).

The one I run RB on is a home build but only because I had the case and power supply and drives, etc.... I bought a MOBO and RAM, cloned the hard drive onto a 10,000 RPM drive using Drive Image, and hit the ground running. And THOSE changes only happened when I was trying to climb My MOTU. There was nothing wrong with the old MOBO other than I wanted 5v USB slots, which turned out to not be my answer anyway (It was the age of that PCI card.) so when it was all said and done I upgraded for essentially no reason.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.