the main advantage of an incremental upgrade subscription would be the reduced price from not needing a USB drive to deliver the whole program at once, and the need for less bandwidth to accommodate many large downloads at the same time once or twice a year.

The ability to DL only what's new (and maybe even updated manual pages that could be inserted into a printed manual in a binder) would be slick. My WOO-HOO-O-METER would be pegged.

Also, it could make it easier for people to stay current. At any given time, I can usually come up with $20... but I can't always come up with larger amounts that aren't already committed elsewhere. Many of us live on a budget, and monthly subscriptions are easier to manage within a budget than occasional larger expenditures..

This would be an option, not a requirement. People who like buying the whole shootin' match on a USB drive once or twice a year could still do that. I'm thinking the subscription would end up being less expensive AND more convenient AND something new to look forward to every month.

Or not. We're just kicking ideas around. As far as I know PGM isn't even thinking about such an arrangement.