before we get a flame war going here, I'd just like to say that intelligent people should be able to express highly volatile ideas peaceably and without resorting to character assassination.

That's an excellent thought!

I hope everyone with good sense supports you publicly.
All that's necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do and say nothing.

Bob, the gist of the article is good (at least, in terms of intent), but I think it simplifies things a bit much.

You repeatedly say We grumbled, but did nothing. I don't think this is accurate. Quite a bit has been done by people on these issues, and continues to be done. To say otherwise does discredit to those who have worked long and hard for their causes.

You say "In true Alinsky fashion, they batter us with labels.", but your own terms - "Marxist/communist/socialist/progressive world movement" - seem to be exactly what you are complaining about.

But what I find most problematic in pointing to a group of "them" is that they are conveniently not "us".

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?