Baloney and Huey. All this stuff has been debated since ancient greeks. I don't do politics anymore. I lived that life far too long. Just park a marked car infront of a pub that's getting an annual inspection and some moron calls silly hall to say you were drinking on the job. Then the even more moronic Chief seizes the alleged opportunity to attack you for it. After the dust has settled land the lawyers for the union and the city hash it out they drop it. But you become guilty by inference, you were into something sketchy, I remember that thing in the papers, this guy is crooked. And so it goes.

In one case after having my training department refused something as trivial as a microwave oven 4 years running I slid the cost in with the radio gear. The elected officials and the chief missed it totally, but I got the thing.

I officially belong to nothing. I've had to quit what I was involved with, and I might go back and play horn with my wife in the fall in a brass band, but no more committees, no more President of this or that, and well, no more NOTHING. My pensions are what they are, I don't even need all the cash. Never had any all my life, but the kids are gone, the house paid for, and I buy junk I don't need all the time. Amazon should have their own truck for my neighbourhood.

Unless you intend to run for office, or are going to jump in and become active, you are sitting back, sure. But that can mean that, in my case, after joining the Junior Conservatives in 1964, and having a political presence ever since, I've tossed in the towel. Time for someone else. I have 5 years of firewood at the cabin, and am able to tell the wife how to snare hares, or winter dress a moose. I almost hope the whole thing goes to wherever in a handbasket so I can have an excuse to live in the cabin for a few years. Much better than living on the streets in a city.

You guys argue who said what and why. This should be the only politics or religion to hit the boards for the next 10 years.

Go and mess with quodlibets. (If I spelled it wright!)

John Conley
Musica est vita