The whole North/South rivalry can still be found to one degree or another, even today, though usually it's in the form of good natured ribbing.

Originally from the North, I was attending a 2 yr NY Community College where I had a Physics Professor from Tennessee with a pronounced Southern drawl.

Surrounded by Yankees, he seemed to feel the need to devise unusually hard reading assignments and even found some perverse pleasure when most of the class did poorly on his tests.

Since Community Colleges were more affordable than the 4 yr Ivy League colleges, they were often attended by older kids who had served in the military (Vietnam was chewin' them up and spittin' them out back then) using the VA Bill to finance their education.

One such young guy was a "Yankee" named John Green, who always attended class in his green army shirt and carrying his books in an old army knapsack.

On the day of our final Physics test, the Southern Prof passed out the tests and stood back grinning, as though waiting for something.

It arrived as a unanimous groan rose from the class when we saw how unbelievably difficult he'd made it.

He then said, in his slow Southern drawl, "Well...I guess the South's gonna rise again."

To which John Green immediately loudly replied, "Yeah, Crap Floats!" (cleaned up version)

Needless to say we all broke out laughing.
Needless to say the the Physics Bell Curve scores took a huge hit to the negative.