We needn't go back 150 years to find rape and torture to be common among so-called "civilized" people but we need not go there. I have mentioned it on these forums several times before and it only serves to keep old wounds open. The scary fact is...it's still happening today!

Conquerors have always considered the enemy's women as fair game, the so-called "spoils of war," but history books avoid those facts as unsuitable reading for their "more civilized" audiences. Poppycock, given the slightest provocation, those same readers have turned into bloodthirsty animals. Since nearly 95% of rapes are never reported, according to psychologists, if you have exposed a hundred, that's but the tip of the iceberg.

Imagine a soldier, charged-up on adrenaline and testosterone, capturing Atlanta and, lacking any command restraints or conscience, and possibly just moments before seeing his best friend decapitated, he finds the women of the enemy. He feels compelled to humiliate his enemy even further by a wrathful act against his women.

It's a sad fact of life known as "war hysteria." Anyone wanting proof that mass rape of innocent, defenseless women, perpetrated by "civilized people" is going on full tilt and totally unabated, things censored from your nightly news, is welcome to PM me for details.