
The home concert "scene" caused me to get into a very heated debate with someone who was a very good friend at the time. Because of that debate we no longer speak. ...

I think you have a 100% incorrect view of the "home concert" scene. I think it is closer to Scott's description (even if his is a little utopian!). The house concert scene seems to fall under the 5,000 fan rule. If you can acquire 5,000 true fans that will buy a CD, T-Shirt, see you play at least once or so a year -- then you can make an OK living as a performing singer/songwriter musician. Sounds easy -- but it is not. The house concert approach is another tool to help getting a few more dedicated fans.

If you diss a practice that someone believes in strongly, I can see how easy it would be to lose friends.

Now at bandcamp: Crows Say Vee-Eh @ bandcamp or soundcloud: Kevin @ soundcloud