Absolutely correct, Gary, although this was a much lesser mess-up. Basically, I tripped on a curb and bruised the heck out of my calf, got a big honkin' scrape (which turned into cellulitis, thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for antibiotics), and a small break in my right wrist. No surgery needed, unlike the June 2008 fall which had me in the hospital and then rehab for a total of nine weeks.

And, I think of you guys all the time. I've been trying to catch up with life and all, but I'm constantly lurking, just to see what-all's up. Big Damn Manly Hugs all around!

Tom Smith
Win10/64 • i7-8700K • 24 GB RAM
BIAB 2024 • Reaper 7 • Izotope MPS
AKG C1000S • IK iRig I/O Pro