I am just happy that Obama won. I am all for this national health care. There are so many people that can’t even afford to go to the doctor when they need it. My brother worked very hard all his life and is now running into a lot of heath issues and needs that healthcare. Also, I spoke to a man from Canada that was for Obama. He said that he had lived in Canada before for most of his younger life and he said and I quote! No matter what people tell you about the healthcare; well, everybody loves it. This is our chance in the U.S. to step outside of our comfort zone and try something new. I know that there are a lot off opposing opinions out there but they are entitled to their opinion and I am entitled to mine. I am not looking to get into it with anyone so I would appreciate it if you anyone would keep the roar to a minimum. Thanks I am happy that Obama won...

Music is an expression that is a universal language, Never criticize anybody to harshly. They need time to grow but when they do, they do. Always be kind in what you say and do because the man upstairs is watching.