
I foresee no problems with turning all gear off and on using a master switch such as found on plug strips.

But what do I know, all I am is an Electronics Design Engineer and part time factory service technician for audio gear who turns his home studio on and off with one switch.

It doesn't have to cause trouble, provided you use good quality material (pricy) and keep in mind the start-up routine some equipment needs.
I don't know what the quality of the powerstrips with switches they sell in the USA, but the cheap consumer crap they sell over here isn't up to those tasks. Sure, the lights in the chrismastree can be turned on and off, but that's about it. That and the fact people tend to plug in strip after strip after strip, thus exceeding the specs of the strip.

I just assumed most people wouldn't bother to buy good power strips and settle for the cheap ones. Hence the advice...

But hey, I got my degree in electronics some years ago, so I don't know what I'm talking about either