

- not in absolute dollars and sense,

I love inadvertent typos like this that somehow still make sense.

I also would think that what you are asking is indeed private and inappropriate information.

Such is also nonconclusive, really, since the comparison given is mostly multitrack DAW softwares vs Band in a Box's Autoaccompaniment.

The first question I would have would be to ask how the given placement was derived and what was the methodology behind the count. If it is data taken from some sort of online polling, it is only worth the bits it took to publish.

As an engineer, I would say that nothing statistically valid could possibly be derived.

Lots of modern statistial abusers will argue that point. Am thinking of a research prof whom I saw asking the CEO offering the study grant what result they wanted to get...


I agree with Mac that this informal poll likely is only valid under conditions for which would make it not reliable as market research evidence.

It's only persons who choose to reply.

It contains responses (at least one) from people that are not active users of the product.

etc. ad infinitum.
