You wonderful folks have me in "happy tears", as my nurse, Amy, calls them.

These are the thoughts that truly matter, not what's chiseled in my headstone.

Still absolutely no appetite, zilch, zero, nada. The mere thought of solid food literally makes me gag. That makes over a week sustaining myself on cappuccino. They weighed me yesterday out of concern and, wouldn't you know, I've actually gained! Dr. authorized "anything he wants to ease the symptoms but the bug simply must run it's course!" then added, "he'll eat when he gets hungry enough!" On last count, five patient friends have died from complications and pneumonia and eight others are hospitalized. Friends, this is a killer bug and it's reaching epidemic proportions in the region. Deaths being reported are attributed to influenza, duh!

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. I actually feel stronger today but not enough to want to get in my power wheelchair and terrorize the octogenarian chicks quite yet. Chuckle.

See why I love this place?!