I'm not trying to argue with Lee, but I see what you mean PhyillyJazz.
There is a lot more correlation on guitar than most horns. If the voicing doesn't work on guitar you may need to change a few fingerings, but with horns every key causes a whole new set of fingerings for almost every note.

That's what I meant by learning things differently. Learn by the intervals, and even more so if you play a horn. Once I have an instrument I play in my hands, I'm a lot better at 'going up a third from where I am now' than I am at thinking 'I know this song in G concert, and I'm on a trumpet so I need to transpose to A and then add another 5th for the key we're playing in now .. because we're doing this in D so I need to be in E .. and I started in G so .. umm'

If you are talking improvisation, that is much different than the topic started out. The topic started with learning melodies (I think). Then I started seeing posts about pasting different licks together. That's the next step after learning the licks in my mind.

However, I personally think if you learn to think in intervals for melodies, when you do want to recall a certain lick this method helps a lot; you may be improvising in key of 'X' and you originally learned it in 'Y'.
Confused yet?

/I can have that effect on people

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome