I just received a message to my private e-mail account from Linked In asking me whether I know any of 3 individuals, including a roommate. Several weeks ago I received another message to my corporate e-mail from a rather suspicious website which referenced my supervisor, someone I didn't know, and a different roommate who no longer lived at the same address.

These are obviously not coincidences. My question is, how do websites connect me with these people? The roomies did not and do not have my e-mail addresses. I'm not even sure that Linked In has my current street address. We are not connected in any public way that I am aware of other than sharing a house, and certainly not online. This is a total mystery to me. Can anyone shed some light? Is there any way I can keep these connections from being made, or is it the result of public information over which I have no control? I am concerned to the point of being somewhat paranoid.


"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."