Have you mastered the harmony function in BiaB? This is the two strips on the upper right. Probably say <no harmony> right now.

Open a very simple song - something from the "50 SONGS" folder. Try a couple different preset harmonies. The "Convert harmony to melody track" will cause the new harmony notes to show up as notation.

After a LOT of experimentation, you will begin to see how these harmonizations work. The defaults that come with the program are standard models that real arrangers use all the time.

Once you are pretty sure you know whats going on with the defaults, try the "Edit" button. It will take some figuring out, but it is so worth it.

I learned harmony the hard way from books and classes. It takes years. You already have the best harmony-teaching tool I have ever seen.

Last edited by flatfoot; 07/08/13 10:04 AM.

Flatfoot sez: Call me when 'Talent-in-a-Box' is ready to ship! -- [8{>

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