Originally Posted By: rockstar_not

Every year thousands of hack and more professional (people that get paid writing music) participate in the February Album Writing Month challenge to write 14 songs in the month of February.

I've been a participant for 5 or 6 years. Each year collaborations are done by hundreds from these thousands of participants.

I encourage you to join in next year at www.fawm.org

A smaller group of people go really crazy with it and do 50/90, writing 50 songs in 90 days over the northern hemisphere summer months.

Many collaborations happen there as well.

There are also other songwriting sites where collaborations and meetups are part of the joy of participation. Check out the Just Plain Folks website.


Lots of folks looking to collaborate there.

As for 'making it big', well, good luck - literally.

Making it small can be had by all.

I agree on FAWM and 50/90 whole heartedly! in fact, I'm in the middle of 50/90 right now!